The Jubilee Hall began in 1908 as a Reading and Recreation room for the men of the Burton Parish. The room was provided by Sir Owen & Lady Scourfield of Williamston.
The Parish bought the hall in 1923 for £100, and in 1963 it was made into a charitable trust, with three trustees, to ensure permanence in the community. In 1984 Burton Community Council were made the Custodian Trustees of the charity, and a revised constitution was agreed, and implemented.
The Hall
John Wesley preached twice in the parish, August 1771, and July 1777, and a village school was founded in 1844.
Registered Charity: 234813
Kitchen with boiler, fridge and cooker
Central heating
Sprung floor suitable for dancing
Music licence
Parking available
Disabled parking bays available
Wheelchair access to front of building
Accessible WC
Level entrance to building

John Evans- Chairman 01646 602298
Myra Gillespie- Booking Secretary 07868 142899 or
What’s on
Weekly 11.45 – 12.45
Contact: Mrs Ann Winn 01646 600710
Scottish Country Dancing
7 pm – 9 pm
Contact: Mrs P. Rye 01646 698463
Sit-down yoga
10 – 11am
Contact: Tricia James 07515 636883
Afternoon (lunch) Club
Fortnightly 1pm – 3pm
Contact: Mrs J. Phillips 01646 601709
Womens Institute
2nd Wed. of month 7 pm
Contact: Diane Morris 01646 601658
Community Council
First Wed. of month 7pm
Ukelele group
1 – 2.30pm
Contact: Mary Taylor 01646 601626
Craft Club
6.30pm – 8.30 pm
Contact: Ms. M. Gillespie 07868 142899
Lace group
2nd Sat. of the month, 10am – 2pm
Contact: Carol Vaughan 01646 683188
Scottish Dancing in Houghton