Foundry House, Pembroke

Foundry House, Pembroke

Pembroke is a town in Pembrokeshire, Pembroke features a number of historic buildings, town walls and complexes. It is a community and one of the larger towns in the county. Pembroke is a town with a short but illustrious past. At the end of the eighteenth century the area was just farmland but by 1901 the town had 11,000 residents. It originally grew up around the Royal Naval Dockyard and produced 260 fine ships between 1814-1926, including several royal yachts and men of war. Pembroke is best known for its very famous castle, Pembroke Castle is most famous for being the birthplace of Henry VII, the founder of the Tudor Dynasty, and Britain’s only welsh King.
Foundry house is the home of the Pembroke 21C Community association, which is a social Enterprise which develops and implements revenue raising projects to provide a source of income for the charity Pembroke 21C Association. Foundry house also holds weekly classes and is available for hire.
Link to the Foundry house website-